Monday, April 3, 2017

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 Fun and stimulating day today on Aotearoa One. Great wisdom Shared by the Captain and his crew about how the tipuna sailed the seas.

Tangaroa eke noa.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Te Amomai has received the class award for always being a great example in class for classwork and attitude.

Ngā mihi nui ki a koe, Te Amomai

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Te waharoa lesson

Just finished a successful lesson about 'Te Waharoa'. Akomanga 28 are now able to talk to anyone about the different components of Te Waharoa. They felt inspired to do a haka to the Waharoa, and the wairua was felt.

Akomanga 28

Sunday, February 12, 2017

 Te Kāhui Huia learning
Te Reo Māori ā-waha
nei i ngā rōpu taki rua, taki toru.


Te Kāhui Huia and some of Akomanga 27 going for a bush walk. I think some of them think they are models lol. Awesome walk with the tamariki and stopping to talk about some of the rākau.

Kiaora koutou,

Ko mātou tēnei te Kāhui Huia.
Kua noho pai te wairua i waenga i a mātou me tō mātou akomanga i tēnei tau. Harikoa katoa ngā tauira ki te tae ki te kura ia rā, ia rā. Ko te tētahi o ngā tino whāinga a mātou kia whai i ngā mātāpono o te whakatauki "Te piko o te māhuri, tērā te tupu o te rākau".

Ngā mihi nunui ki a koutou.

Akomanga 28 "Te Kāhui Huia"